Halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco lies a town nestled between rolling hills and the coast – San Luis Obispo, the headquarters of ITW Global Tire Repair. This hidden gem on the beautiful Central Coast of California, in such close proximity to mountain biking trails and sandy dunes, defines the culture of our company.
At ITW Global Tire Repair, we love our company and our products. Maybe it has something to do with our lunchtime hiking groups, breakfast burrito Thursdays, or the active and energetic personalities of our team members. Or maybe it has to do with how deeply ITW supports the community (ITW Global Tire Repair is the largest supporter of our local branch of the United Way). Some might even consider us a family. Come experience for yourself what the Slime culture is all about!
At ITW Global Tire Repair, we love our company and our products. Maybe it has something to do with our lunchtime hiking groups, breakfast burrito Thursdays, or the active and energetic personalities of our team members. Or maybe it has to do with how deeply ITW supports the community (ITW Global Tire Repair is the largest supporter of our local branch of the United Way). Some might even consider us a family. Come experience for yourself what the Slime culture is all about!
ITW Global Tire Repair Around the World
An ITW Company
ITW Global Tire Repair is proud to be a part of the Illinois Tool Works (ITW) family. Since their founding more than 100 years ago, ITW has become one of the world's leading diversified manufacturers of specialized industrial equipment, consumables and related service businesses. As one of the 83 divisions that make up the ITW Fortune 200 company, Global Tire Repair embodies the ITW core values of trust, respect, integrity, shared risk and simplicity.